42 min

Transforming Culture by Putting CSMs in the Driver Seat & the Focus on the Customer

Laurie Bell, Senior Vice President, Customer Experience, AmplifyMatt Eldridge, Partner, Bain & Company - Leading, navigating and championing change is never an easy task. During times of growth, the stakes can often be even higher. For customer success leaders, this is an opportunity to strengthen alliances, gain trust and showcase your ability to strategize and execute. This session will take the audience on the journey of an EdTech company with a CS team that was just getting started. You’ll hear how they build a CS team from scratch, led a transformation to more CX-focused strategies and forced stronger relationships with other stakeholders including the skeptical sales team. Attendees will ask away with tons of lessons learned as well as three main takeaways: 1) How to put your CSMs in the driver’s seat to orchestrate the customer journey, 2) How to demonstrate value to the rest of your company, 3) How to utilize technology (such as Gainsight) to adopt a digital first strategy and deliver win-win scenarios