44 min

From Telco to Technology: The Grit and Grace of an Enterprise Evolution

Julia Fraser, SVP Customer Engagement, Lumen - Lumen's commitment to evolving as a technology company isn’t as simple as it sounds. As a multi-national telecommunications company that grew through acquisition, they knew it was time to reimagine its future, driving multi-faceted changes to surpass industry standards and expectations of customers. Starting with a rebrand, Lumen not only shifted its product focus to a technology company enabling the 4th Industrial Revolution, but also in how it enables customers to succeed. Enter Lumen’s Customer Success model. This session explores two key pillars of their customer success journey: culture and customer centricity. Julia will share how Lumen discovered the art of the possible to meet unique demands of both the business and customers, including exciting ways they are breaking barriers. You will walk away from this session learning what was surprising, lessons learned, and how you can apply these learnings to your customer success evolution. Julia brings her energy and insights on the grit and grace it has taken for Lumen’s enterprise transformation.