Pulse 2023 Closing Keynote
1 hr. 27 min.
- Nick Mehta, CEO, Gainsight
- Christina Kosmowski, CEO, LogicMonitor
- Robin Merritt, Chief People & Operations Officer, Gainsight
- Robin Van Lieshout, Chief Strategy Officer, Gainsight
Session Abstract
We know all too well that the future can be scary sometimes—it’s new, unfamiliar, and sometimes, very different from today. But the best days often lie ahead. Sometimes the best way to embrace the future is to dive in with our wildest dreams and become fearless by looking back at the past. Join us for a heartwarming and inspiring closing keynote with Gainsight CEO Nick Mehta, LogicMonitor CEO Christina Kosmowski, Gainsight CSO Robin van Lieshout, Gainsight CPOO Robin Merritt, and several other special guests to learn how we can (and should) continue to embrace a Human-First approach in an ever-evolving digital world.