Panel: The Private Equity Perspective – CS Growth Trends and Tactics for 2024 and Beyond
Ankur Patel, Operating Vice President, Accel-KKR; Ben DeFoe, Regional Vice President Enterprise Sales, Gainsight; Jonathan Barlow, Sr. Operating Advisor, Francisco Partners; Kim Moceri, Managing Operating Partner - FPC, Francisco Partners; Susan Harnum, Senior Director, Customer Success, BeyondTrust.
Session Abstract
B2B Software Companies invested in by Private Equity have a unique perspective on CS. Unlike self funded or growth firms invested in by VC, with Private Equity there is typically a finish line on the horizon, rapidly growing targets and a Special Ops team to support quick application of strong GTM practice. In this quick paced and interactive session, we'll hear from Sr. Operating Partners from Francisco Partners and Accel-KKR, two long standing B2B SaaS focused Private Equity investors as they share some of the trends that they see across their portfolio of companies and the strategies they are helping CS teams deploy to fuel growth in 2024. As an added bonus we'll hear from the CS Leadership team at BeyondTrust, a Francisco Partners portfolio company, about how they are translating those strategies into specific tactics via cross functional teams.