Driving Outcomes in a Technical Ecosystem
Josh Levin, Manager, Customer Success, Honeycomb.io; Nick Travaglini, Technical Customer Success Manager, Honeycomb.io.
Session Abstract
The phrase “whole different ball game” is generally overused when describing a relatively minor change in a set of practices. But for those working as CSMs in a technical domain, that quip couldn’t be more true. The demands, challenges, and use cases one encounters with highly technical users makes the job of a CSM far more daunting, and prone to relegate CS into the role of “switchboard operator”, instead of the value driver we know it can be. In this talk, we discuss several approaches we at Honeycomb.io, an observability tool used by Fortune500 engineering teams, have implemented to ensure CSMs are prepared for this kind of workload, and subsequently treated as valued partners to their customers. The strategies discussed cover internal tactics, including CSM enablement and usage data, as well as external, such as how to challenge customers and connect technical use cases to strategic goals.