Digital Adoption: Building a Center of Excellence

47 min.

Session Abstract

Digital Adoption is a key initiative for many. But building a Center of Excellence to help users adopt your product can be difficult even when you have all of the best practices in place - it is a whole new challenge when you are building a program from the ground up. Join us as we examine what it takes to develop a program focused on end-user adoption, how to increase time-to-value, and how to reduce client churn. This session will provide you with your own roadmap to a Center of Excellence, including how to:

  • Identify Key Business Partners Needed to Develop a Digital Adoption Program
  • Define Company Best Practices and How to Execute Them
  • Create One or Many User Persona(s)
  • Develop Measures for Client Time-to-Value
Please reference these handouts that J.P. Kelliher refers to throughout the presentation: